Friday, July 23, 2010

waiting more than 5 years..

I will have laptop on my own..

Biar lambat asal dapat..

Always hand me down jer...
tapi bersyukur apa yang ada...
jgn kufur nikmat..:)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We're living in reality

In other way of me saying "stop reading twilight books!!!they're not real!!"
well..I'm back to my twilight fever again..
for the moment, i dont have a laptop..
I'm borrowing Ain's...
So, most of the time n my room, I re-read my Twilight books again..
not healthy...

World cup is finally end.. I know it is to late to talk about world cup but I just don't care..
I also can't believe that I stayed up to accompany him watching final game at Nasi kandar..
Final game is boring...full stop..
The next day I became zombie, incoherent and emotionally unstable yet cranky..
such a baby!!

Semester is open now..
Campus and hostel full again with all the students..
I'm certainly not happy about it..
It is so hard to park my car at campus and hostel,
and pak guard start strict again..

I wish I'm finishing my master soon..
I am so devastated now..
Another one year to go......