Monday, January 26, 2009

REUNION part I hari jumaat lepas pergi reunion..this is my first reunion with my ex-skolmate..terlalu bnyk halangan dan dugaan yang menimpa..its a LOAD!!!

let me list

1. Its almost 2 month we decided the date, hajar yang supposed to join us dah beli tiket balik kampung siap2 on the date!!!she forgot!!

2. Ja who supposed to join us too ade masalah dgn flight (honestly i dunno what happened to her)..i don't get too much detailed but obviously she missed this reunion.

3. and then Ika plak tb2 ader kelas on the date!!

4. last but not least my dad tak bg pegi and i cried dua hari dua mlm betul tak tpu smpi mata bengkak-bengkak sungguh pathetic

nie sumer yang jadi b4 the reunion..

then, on the day of reunion on 23january..

1. my dad bagi pegi atas pujuk rayu my mum and thats mean YEAY!! tak sia2 nangis smpi mata bengkak hahahahaha

2. CTK arrived a bit late from sg.petani..i start to panic tkt she can't make it but Alhamdullillah she arrived just on time.

3. farid and maslia stuck in traffic jammed for 2 hours b4 pick me and ctk from my house.mmg sian sgt kat diorang especially en.farid yang menjadi pemandu.

4. dekat exit 153 near parit buntar (klu tak silap) kitorang tgk LIVE pny excident!!! moto dengan 7.15 pm..nasib baik Farid alert and sempat elak sebelum kitorang 'join sekali' eksident tu..and en.farid with his biggest heart stop untuk tolong org yang eksiden tu (sbb dier pernah eksiden and tahu bgimana rsnyer) and left 3 of us (maslia, ctk and I) in d car..bukan kitorang tak nka turun tlg, but honestly, mcm bahaya jugak pompuan yang turun tlg and lagi satu ari dah nak gelap..for our own safety, Farid suruh kitorang park jauh skit dari tempat kejadian and make us (d gurls) decide nak tepon polis and asked for help which is the biggest mistake!!

the eksiden details:
  • dua bijik moto
  • satu moto tu naik sorang and satu lagi husband and wife
  • and diorang tak der lesen thats why i said, calling the police is the biggest mistake!!
  • maser eksiden tu, the wifey menjerit!!dier cedera agak teruk (tak tau mcm maner nak describe) but the hubby is worrying about the motor instead!!boley byg tak..and farid felt like to punch his face!!
  • ader a bunch of people from the area nearby but they have so much entertainment by just looking at the mangsa eksident..diorang just tgk without any iniciative to help or called the police or whatnot..sedgkan ader pgr yang boleh diorang gunakan untuk tlg mgsa eksiden..manusia zaman sekarang..
  • and we the only car yang stop untuk tlg the rest is mat2 motor..ader lah 2 3 orang..
  • we left b4 police arrived sbb tak nak kena bagi keterangan
honeslty, by stoopping and called the mcm wat keje mulia..even it turned disaster to the victim..huhuhuhu maner nak tau kan..niat nak tlg, the moral is, bwk kenderaan biar berlesen.

5. kitorang benti kat rnr to perform solat and berdoa supaya perjalanan kami selamat..agak horror tgk eksident tu and tukar driver..yer..saya yang drive and Farid take turn to rest!! part I..pict will upload later..=)

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